Resources to Stay Current in the Education Field


As educators, we have many things on our plate. Students, standards, PLC’s, technology, cyber-bullying, bullying, in general, the list goes on and on. But, it is imperative we stay current on what’s happening across the nation in terms of education. Not only will it help us be better educators, but when we make this a priority, we will also be prepared for any interview question that might arise on this subject. Here are some key resources.

ASCD SmartBrief– This daily newsletter contains a variety of articles from around the nation, relating to current topics in education. It is free to sign up and easy to cancel if you ever need to do so.

Discovery Ed– This daily newsletter contains a variety of articles from around the nation, relating to current topics in education. It is free to sign up and easy to cancel if you ever need to do so.

Read-Write-Think– Another free resource for teachers, the Read-Write-Think website is a database of searchable lessons plans for use. They also include 21st Century learning techniques and strategies.

Educational Newsletters– This site includes a variety of links to education newsletters. The descriptions for each newsletter are listed as well as the frequency for which they are updated. Some push daily emails and others as few as once every other month. But all of them are filled with vital education information.

The Opening Bell– Published by NEA, this resource is a daily compilation of all things education related from the previous 24 hours.

These are only a sampling of some of the best resources available for educators to stay current on national trends. What resources do you use?


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